Aggressively acquiring more assets, while Caroline is experiencing burnout from doing most of the planning work.
- Lead search for paraplanner and licensed operations assistant.
- Lead consultation with firm in role and compensation design. Subsequently source, interview, & complete suitability for both roles.
Require two roles. They need a licensed assistant to support processing and completion of applications. Caroline is experiencing burnout from doing most of the planning work. They could benefit from an in-house paraplanner to create capacity for Caroline.
- Age: Caroline- 43 years old, female, Holds CFP designation. Mark- 38 years old, male, holds CFA designation.
- Products sold: Individual investment and insurance products, targeting business owners and professionals.
- Business structure: Incorporated with 1 operations staff. Caroline and Mark are equal partners where Caroline manages most relationships and planning. Mark holds some key HNW relationships and is accountable for designing/ managing